Miracles of Mary Stories on Wealth & Privilege
By Wendy Laura Belcher
January 31, 2024
Many stories about Mary address wealth and the unfair advantages of privilege, sometimes in problematic ways, sometimes in revolutionary ways. Studying these stories brings much to light about how human beings have viewed disparity over time and space.
If you identify a story about wealth and we do not list it below, please let us know by emailing us. Stories are listed only once below, even if it is about more than one topic. Instructors may also email us to receive a lesson plan for teaching about wealth and privilege in the medieval African folktale.
For class, read the stories below with the word "required."
Wealthy Men Behaving Badly
Saint Basil and the rich man who refused to give him a tablet for an icon of the Virgin Mary
A young debauched man who was ready to serve Satan but refused to deny the Virgin Mary
Wealthy People Behaving Well
The pious official who was accused of embezzlement and of having an affair with the wife of his lord (required)
A pious wealthy couple decide to become monks later in life and it makes them young
The noblewoman who was persuaded by her priest to give away her fine clothes
A poor man become wealthy with the help of the Virgin Mary