Miracles of Mary Stories about Gender & Power
By Wendy Laura Belcher
January 31, 2024
Many miracles of Mary stories are about the issues that women face in societies where they do not hold much power. The focus is often on their role as family members (especially as mothers) but some stories feature women leaders or rebels.
If you identify a PEMM story about gender and power and we do not list it below, please let us know by emailing us. Stories are listed only once below, even if it is about more than one type of woman. Instructors may also email us to receive a lesson plan for teaching about gender and power in the medieval African folktale.
For class, read the ten stories below with the word "required."
Desperate Mothers
A widow who could not find husbands for her three daughters (required)
Oppressed Wives
Paraleya from Iyyoram, who was beaten by her husband because she was childless.
Women Out for Revenge
A man who suspected a former wife of having burned down his house (required)
Murderous Women
A woman from the city of Rome who killed the baby she bore after sleeping with her son
A woman marries seven times, but each time her husband is killed by a demon. (required)
The beautiful daughter of the Frankish king is saved from her wicked stepmother by the Virgin Mary
Women Leaders
Dabra Zamaddo's Lady Mahdara Maryam and how the Virgin Mary claimed her house as a church (required)
Our Lady Mary as Leader
Most of the stories in the Nagara Maryam feature Mary as a strong, fearless, and magically powerful woman. They are well worth studying together.