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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, HMML Project ID EMML, Manuscript No. 2275

This Geʿez language manuscript was created between 1508 and 1535. This date is estimated, based on the reigning Ethiopian royal ruler's name appearing in the manuscript. The royal ruler's name mentioned in the manuscript is Lebna Dengel.

This manuscript's last known location (i.e., where it was microfilmed or digitized at some point in the past forty years) is the repository of Darafo Maryam Church in Ankobar, Shoa Province, Ethiopia.

To view the manuscript, go to the digital copy.

This manuscript has a high number of Marian miracle stories: 156.

This manuscript has no paintings of Marian miracle stories.

This manuscript has a total of 268 folios and 292 scans. It has 2 columns per page and approximately 20 lines per column. The stories in this manuscript appear in 1 sequences, and are numbered accordingly below as 1.2, 2.1, etc. The Marian miracle stories begin on folio 213r of the whole manuscript.

The stories in this manuscript were cataloged by Getatchew Haile and W.F. Macomber.

The PEMM abbreviation for this manuscript is EMML (HMML) 2275.

The Beta Maṣāḥǝft abbreviation for this manuscript is EMML2275. Other shelfmarks and/or abbreviations for this manuscript include EMML 2275.

Regarding this manuscript's repository:

The Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML) was a microfilming project carried out in Ethiopia in the 1970s-1990s. The project photographed 9,238 manuscripts prior to its conclusion in 1994. The collection has over five hundred Täˀammərä Maryam manuscripts. This project revolutionized Ethiopian Studies through the thousands of manuscripts made available for research and the ten volumes of catalogs prepared by William F. Macomber and Getatchew Haile. There is no institution that holds a complete set of the EMML microfilms, although the majority of the microfilms are available at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML). HMML has the largest collection of electronic and microfilmed Ethiopian/Eritrean manuscripts in the world. There is an ongoing digitization effort at HMML to make the entirety of the EMML collection available online in their Reading Room. View more information about collections at HMML, including EMML.

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EMML (HMML) 2275

Order in MS
Story Title
Location in MS
Story Recension
Other Aspects
Story ID
1.1Bishop Hildephonsus of Toledo who collected stories and compiled them into the Book of the Miracles of the Virgin Mary8v 0-
ተብህለ፡ ከመ፡ ሀሎ፡ በውስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ዘጥልጥልያ፡ ...
1.2Book of Ledata la-Maryam??: OldA: Part 01: Conception: The Virgin Mary is conceived and born (whole or opening)10v 0---316-A
1.3Book of Ledata la-Maryam??: OldA: Part 01: Temple: The Virgin Mary stays in the Temple (315, 316-D, 447 similar)12v 0---315
1.4Book of Ledata la-Maryam??: OldA: Part 02: Engagement: The Virgin Mary is espoused to Saint Joseph.13v 0-
ወካዕበ፡ ንነግረክሙ፡ አኃዊነ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ ውሉደ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያ...
1.5Saint Basil and the proud men who wanted to have a splendid icon of the Virgin Mary made and ask him to make it15r 0---98
1.6A virgin, living with her mother, who slept with many young men due to Satan and was saved by the Virgin Mary when her tears outweighed her sins17r 0---113
1.7The sinful deacon who was healed from his illness by a drop of the Virgin Mary's breast milk19v 0---135
1.8The shepherd near Saint Paul's Church in Rome who was possessed by a demon20v 0---178
1.9The rich man who angrily threw a loaf of dry bread at a beggar, cutting him, but was saved from hell by the Virgin Mary21v 0---106
1.10A monk who was carried by his fellow monks to church when he became too sick to walk22v 0---179
1.11The priest who could only memorize one mass, the Anaphora of the Virgin Mary, and was prevented from performing mass by the bishop23v 0---145
1.12The Jew of Constantinople who threw an icon of the Virgin Mary into a pit toilet and was taken to hell by a demon25v 0---197
1.13A deacon prayed the prayer that contained the word 'rejoice' five times for the five joys of the Virgin Mary26v 0---142
1.14The two women who were attacked by robbers on their way to church27v 0---154
1.15A man with paralysis who was healed on the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption28r 0---313
1.16A stream runs uphill after its neighbor had diverted it.29r 0---311
1.17A pious monk who had drunk too much wine was saved from a lion and a dog by the Virgin Mary29v 0---170
1.18A woman who was prevented from fasting by her husband and temporarily received her treasure on earth instead of heaven30r 0---167
1.19A sinful deacon assassinated by his enemies receives a Christian burial and is found with a flower growing out of his mouth31v 0---138
1.20The repentant knight who could only learn to pray the prayer of the Hail Mary32v 0---139
of 8
pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project is a comprehensive resource for the 1,000+ miracle stories written about and the 2,500+ images painted of the Virgin Mary in these African countries, and preserved in Geʿez between 1300 and the present.

Princeton Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08540

Princeton Department of African American Studies Morrison Hall, Princeton, NJ 08540

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