Ethio-SPaRe Project, [Ethiopic Collection], Manuscript No. QSM-017
This Geʿez language manuscript was created between 1600 and 1699. This date is estimated based on various methods.
This manuscript's last known location (i.e., where it was microfilmed or digitized at some point in the past forty years) is the repository of Qarsabar Qǝddus Mikāʾel in Qarsabar, Tigray Province, Ethiopia.
To view the manuscript, go to the digital copy.
This manuscript has a high number of Marian miracle stories: 162. Also, we are uncertain about the identification of 2 number of stories, marked with a [?] in the table below, under Other Aspects.
This manuscript has no paintings of Marian miracle stories, but it does have 1 painting of Mary and events in her life. To see the paintings in this manuscript, go to its PEMM Paintings by Manuscript page.
This manuscript has a total of 256 folios and 263 scans. It has 2 columns per page and approximately 17 lines per column. The stories in this manuscript appear in 2 sequences, and are numbered accordingly below as 1.2, 2.1, etc. The Marian miracle stories begin on folio 73r of the whole manuscript.
The stories in this manuscript were cataloged by Transkribus and ITool.
The PEMM abbreviation for this manuscript is ESP (UH) QSM-017.
The Beta Maṣāḥǝft abbreviation for this manuscript is ESqsm017.
Regarding this manuscript's repository:
The Ethio-SPaRe project was a digitization and cataloging project directed by Denis Nosnitsin of the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies of Hamburg University in Hamburg, Germany. The project digitized approximately 2,000 manuscripts and surveyed over one hundred collections between 2009 and 2015. The collection has over eighty Täˀammərä Maryam manuscripts. Over a thousand of these manuscripts have been cataloged by the team led by Denis Nosnitsin. View more information about the project.
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