King Zara Yaqob (Zarʾa Yaʿeqob), the 15th c. Ethiopian monarch, composes hymns in honor of the Virgin Mary.
This story, with the short title "Zara Yaqob Composes Marian Hymns," is recent: the earliest PEMM manuscript* in which this story appears is from around 1811.
It is rare: it appears in 2 of 709 PEMM manuscripts.
This story is not illustrated in PEMM manuscripts.
It is a post-life miracle: it does not take place during Our Lady Mary's lifetime, but after it.
This story was originally composed in Ethiopia, Africa (confirmed).
It is available in the following languages: Geʿez.
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* A "PEMM manuscript" is defined as any Geʿez Marian manuscript or book that PEMM has catalogued. For more information, see Using the Site.