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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

PEMM Presents to the Ethiopian Studies of North America (ESNA) Workshop

PEMM Presents to the Ethiopian Studies of North America (ESNA) Workshop

By PEMM Staff

November 17, 2023

The PEMM team presented to ESNA on the project, introducing the site and pointing out the research that can be conducted with it.

Wendy Laura Belcher opened the presentation by giving an overview of the project, noting that it features stories, paintings, and manuscripts about the Virgin Mary. She presented the main Stories page and demonstrated the kind of findings researchers can uncover using the Stories pages of the website.

Jeremy R. Brown presented the main Manuscripts page and demonstrated the kind of findings researchers can uncover using it. He laid out several discoveries of the project, especially about the liveliness of the tradition in Arabic.

Dawit Muluneh presented the main Paintings page and demonstrated the kind of riches researchers can uncover using it to examine paintings across era and topic.

Henok Alem talked about some of the technical challenges the project faced and how PEMM overcame them.

Mehari Worku then talked about the PEMM stories and the PEMM translation principles, especially what he called the project's commitment to "colloquial fidelity." 

Belcher then introduced the various PEMM team members in attendance, including Blaine Kebede, Evgeniia Lambrinaki, Hanni Makonnen, Rowan Williams, Steve Delamarter, Anisa Ali, and others.

Thirty-six people attended the Zoom presentation

pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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