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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

PEMM and Howard University Team Meeting

By PEMM Staff

February 3, 2024

The annual Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation(PACRI) Meeting was held on February 2-3, 2024 at Princeton, bringing together all the funded teams to attend workshops and present on their work.

Prof. Krista Johnson brought the Howard University Center for African Studies up to Princeton University to attend the annual workshop. This included Brenda Randolph, Vanessa Oyugi, and Dawit Muluneh. PEMM team members Blaine Kebede and Henok Alem also attended. 

Pacri Team

PACRI PEMM team on February 3, 2024. (L-R, front) Brenda Randolph, Vanessa Oyugi, Wendy Belcher, Krista Johnson; (L-R, back) Blaine Kebede, Dawit Muluneh, Henok Alem, 

Brenda Randolph presenting at PACRI with Vanessa Oyugi, Dawit Muluneh, Wendy Belcher

Brenda Randolph presents to PACRI on the PEMM-Howard University Center for African Studies outreach K-12 collaboration with Vanessa Oyugi and Dawit Muluneh.

Dawit Muluneh Presenting at PACRI Meeting

Dawit Muluneh presents to PACRI on PEMM.


pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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