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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

PEMM at the Walters Museum's Ethiopia at the Crossroads Exhibit

PEMM at the Walters Museum's Ethiopia at the Crossroads Exhibit

By PEMM Staff

December 2, 2023

Members of the PEMM team contributed to the exhibit catalog and attended the opening in Baltimore, MD of a new Ethiopian manuscripts and paintings exhibit.

PEMM Researcher, Cataloger, and Translator Dawit Muluneh and PEMM Senior Researcher, Cataloger, and Translator Jeremy R. Brown attended the opening of the Walters Museum Ethiopia at the Crossroads exhibit. 

This exhibit celebrates "the artistic traditions of Ethiopia from their origins to the present day," according to the exhibit website. Ethiopia at the Crossroads is the first major art exhibition in America to do this and "chart the ways in which [Ethiopia was] engaging with surrounding cultures." The exhibit displays "more than 220 objects drawn from the Walters’ world-renowned collection of Ethiopian art and augmented with loans from American, European, and Ethiopian lenders." The "exhibition spans 1,750 years of Ethiopia’s proud artistic, cultural, and religious history."

The exhibit includes "some of the earliest surviving illuminated manuscripts from Ethiopia," including Miracles of Mary manuscripts.

The Walters Museum will be hosting many programs and events to accompany the exhibition, found at its events calendar.

pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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