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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

PEMM Publication: Dataset 2.0 Published on Zenodo


August 21, 2023

PEMM has published its second data set in the online repository Zenodo.

Zenodo is an open-access repository in which PEMM has archived most of its data (except the translations), first in 2022 and then on August 21, 2023.

Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) Project (PEMM 2.0) [Data set]. 


Wendy Laura Belcher; Evgeniia Lambrinaki; William F. Macomber; Jeremy R. Brown; Mehari Worku; Dawit Muluneh; Blaine Kebede; Henok Alem; Rebecca Sutton Koesser; Nicholas Budak; Jean Bauer; Getatchew Haile; Asmalu Tefere; Tasfa Gabra Selasse; Tasfa Giyorgis; Gabra Selasse Berhan; Steve Delamarter; Ekaterina Pukhovaia; Dorothea Reule; Taylor Eggan; Bret Windhauser; Rebecca Munson; Solomon Gebreyes; Eyob Derillo; Alessandro Bausi; Vitagrazia Pisani; Kevin McElwee; Stephen Parkinson; Mihret Melaku; Tariku Abas Sherif, Beimnet Beyene Kassaye, Annabel S. Lemma, Tsega-ab Hailemichael, Chiara Lombardi, Ellen Perleberg; Lauren D. Johnson, Sana Khan, Jason O. Seavey, Leia R. Walker, Nati Arbelaez Solano, Daniel Somwaru, Mika J. Hyman, Grace Matthews, Allie V. Mangel, Ellen Li, Elliot Galvis. 


Includes 1,002 identified stories (or 940 separate stories) (called Canonical Stories); 549 stories translated into English (288 stories translated by PEMM team; 223 stories translated and published by others) and another 200 stories summarized; 676 fully cataloged manuscripts (with another 334 identified, but awaiting digitization) (in Gəˁəz and a few in Arabic) (called Manuscripts); 51,690 stories documented in those manuscripts (called Story Instances); 21,403 typed Gəˁəz incipits (unique first lines) for those stories; and 2,547 paintings with 4,205 scenes in 262 manuscripts (called Paintings). From 92 repositories and libraries around the world (called Collections).

pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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