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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

PEMM Update No. 6: Status of Data

By Wendy Laura Belcher

September 8, 2024

PEMM has collected a lot of data since 2018.


As of this date, PEMM has online at the website

  • 668 separate stories, made up of 1,003 parts
  • 652 of 1,003 story parts have at least one English translation
  • 2,577 separate paintings, made up of 4,204 parts
  • 973 separate manuscripts
  • 105 repositories (outside of Ethiopia)

In the database, there are

  • 33,14,563 data points
  • 1,003 story records (about 10% of the TM stories have multiple parts; due to these parts, the number of stories online looks to be higher, 1,003, rather than 670~)
  • 2,739 translation records (including translations not displayed on the website [such as Ge'ez to French to English], multiple translations of the same story; and translations of stories not yet begun)
  • 4,204 painting records (since many paintings have more than one scene, so, PEMM has documented 4,204 episodes in 2,577 paintings)
  • 1,064 manuscript records (including manuscripts excluded from the website due to being irrelevant, that is, not actually Marian manuscripts, or bound in disorder and thus impossible to catalog)
  • 130 repository records (but many are edited volumes, and most are libraries outside of Ethiopia; EMML represents hundreds of repositories in Ethiopia, but it is counted once)


We are now slowing down, doing very little cataloging, although we continue to work on translating.

The increase in translations from this time last year is quite extraordinary:

On September 27, 2023, PEMM had 287 English translations:

Screenshot of PEMM English Translations on September 27 2023

A year later, on September 8, 2024, PEMM had 653 English translations:

Screenshot of English Translations on September 8 2024 2

pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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ፕሪንስተን የአፍሪካዊ አሜሪካዊነት ጥናት ሞሪሰን እልፍኝ፣ ፕሪንስተን፣ ኒው ጀርሲ 08540

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