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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

Miracles of Mary Stories about Disability & Healing

By Wendy Laura Belcher

January 30, 2024

Many stories about Mary address disability and healing, sometimes in problematic ways, sometimes in revolutionary ways. Studying these stories brings much to light about how human beings have viewed disability over time and space.

If you identify a PEMM story about disability and/or healing and we do not list it below, please let us know by emailing us. Stories are listed only once below, even if it is about more than one type of ability. Instructors may also email us to receive a lesson plan for teaching about disability and healing in the medieval African folktale. 

For class, read the ten stories below with the word "required."


An aged monk whom the Virgin Mary made young again (required)

Dabra Zamaddo's Qwerbana Dengel afflicted by the consequences of aging


John Bakansi, the blind Egyptian monk, whose eyes the Virgin Mary healed with her breast milk

The rich man from Colosse who was shot in the eye with an arrow while fighting the Qwez (required)

Elizabeth, the blind Egyptian girl from Badraman, whose eyes the Virgin Mary healed with her breast milk

A Cairo woman's daughter, who lived by the Nile river and became blind due to too much reading and study but was healed by the Virgin Mary

A blind teacher whom his pupils wanted to push over a cliff while they were on their way to a feast being given in honor of the Assumption.

A thief from Saf who had been deprived of his eyes by order of the judge had his eyes restoried by the Virgin Mary

A monk heals two blind hyena cubs with an icon of the Virgin Mary. (required)

Fathers vow to give the Virgin Mary a cow for healing their daughters' blindness, but both flee with the cow and the second is not forgiven. (required)

Dabra Sedeneya's Icon: Part 1-4: The chief magistrate visits the icon of the Virgin Mary at Dabra Sedeneya and turns blind due to disrespect

Dabra Sedeneya's Icon: Part 3: The chief magistrate goes blind due to disrespecting the icon and begins protection for all pilgrims there

Saint Samuel of Waldebba, the 15th c. Ethiopian saint, and the blind man who recovered his sight at the commemoration of the saint

Saint Samuel of Waldebba, the 15th c. Ethiopian saint, and the blind woman brought by her son to the saint's tomb

Saint Samuel of Waldebba, the 15th c. Ethiopian saint, and the blind woman from Zarafta who was unable to come to the saint's tomb

Book of Dersana Urael: Part 22: Holy Family Tours the World: Part 5: They go to Galilee and heal blind people and perform the miracles of the loaves and fish and Jesus refuses to be king


A monk who was carried by his fellow monks to church when he became too sick to walk (required)

A European man, lame due to a stone foot, is healed by praying in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary

A poor woman with a broken leg is healed by the icon of the Virgin Mary in the church of Harat ar-Rum in Cairo

A column falls and breaks the leg of the son of an official when Muslims destroy a church of the Virgin Mary in Homs, Syria (required)

A man with paralysis who was healed on the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption

Makana Iyyasus Church is where a man with paralysis is cured and he establishes a monastery at the tomb of Abba Anbass and lives there.


Tiras, who did not observe holy days, loses his hearing and speech, but he is healed when his master prays to the Virgin Mary. (not translated yet)

Mental Illness

A priest becomes insane after his entire family dies of the plague. (required)

Sara from Mesot, who became insane and went about naked.

A man from the town of Falaga Ganat in Ethiopia goes crazy after blaspheming the Virgin Mary but she heals him (required)

Disease & Illness

Bishop Mercurius contracted leprosy and the patriarch banned him from serving communion due to his ailment (required)

A man who was possessed by a spirit of epilepsy for 47 years approaches the Virgin Mary

An abbot who fell sick while on a missionary journey.

A poor man is healed of his skin disease by the Virgin Mary when people refused to carry him to church.

A pestilence was stopped by the Virgin Mary

A plague in a monastery is halted at the prayer of a monk.

A man whose only good work was celebrating the Virgin Mary's commemoration is healed from smallpox when the Virgin Mary comes to a church in the form of a white dove

Pelagia, a nun from Caesarea, whom Satan afflicted with leprosy.

Patriarch Mekmeyanos of Alexandria, whom the clergy and people threatened to depose when he fell sick.

King Zara Yaqob's Son: Part 2: Batargela is accused of treason and is imprisoned but delivered from the plague.

King Zara Yaqob's Son: Part 3: Batargela is protected from the plague; his calumniator is punished by the king.

Alam Tsahay, a woman in Addis Ababa, suffered from terrible stomach pain and the Virgin Mary heals her while the infant Jesus

An Ethiopian girl who converts to Protestantism falls ill and is healed by the Virgin Mary and then returns to the faith

Samiya Yosef of Port Said in Egypt, a pious woman, is healed of a terrible illness of the heart in 1982 [EC?]

Dabra Qalemon's icon of the Virgin Mary heals an Arab woman who had suffered from an issue of blood for many years

King Menelik (Menilek) II, the 19th c. Ethiopian monarch, and his gift to Addis Alam Maryam in Shoa and the thieves who enter to steal them but lose their ability to see, hear, and move

A man who travels to a new land becomes sick and is healed with water that he prayed over


The French artist knocked off his scaffolding by Satan (who was angry because of how he was being painted) is caught by the Virgin Mary

The Jew of Constantinople who threw an icon of the Virgin Mary into a pit toliet and was taken to hell by a demon

A monk who got himself appointed by the king to be abbot when the abbot died, angering the monks, and then he himself died

An angel drives away the custodian of a church of the Virgin Mary when he was about to enter after sinning with a woman.

A couple tries to get their son to marry, even though they had dedicated him to the Virgin Mary, but he falls sick to the point of death.

A man prays for his sick son before the icon of the Virgin Mary; she sends Saint Qirqos, then comes herself with Saint George to cure him.

The sinner whom the Virgin Mary healed after his relatives had spent all his money on physicians.

Ermeyis of Sidon's wounds are healed by the Virgin Mary with a drop of her milk.

A servant girl under a magic spell was healed by the Virgin Mary

Apflsoyas, a wealthy, incestuous man from Bethlehem Shire in Tigray, sleeps with his friends and relatives but is saved from hell by the Virgin Mary

A child about to be sacrificed to heal an ill king was saved by the Virgin Mary and later the boy became a king

New Ethiopian Church: Part 2: The church is attacked during Ahmad Gran's jihad but a priest protects it

Hagara Maryam's church and the poor man who bought a goat for the Virgin Mary's feast and a leopard carries the goat off (composed by Ras Semeon)

Gabra Maryam is healed by the Virgin Mary and Gabriel when they appear to him (opening)

Gabra Maryam is healed by the Virgin Mary and Gabriel when they appear to him (conclusion)

Life: The Virgin Mary heals a large multitude of sick people in Bethlehem who had sought her in the Temple.

The Virgin Mary heals two women whom a demon had made ill (related to )

Life: The Virgin Mary, as a young woman, cures the son of a Roman official in Bethlehem.

A poor believer cannot sleep due to illness and pain, but St the Virgin Mary gives him rest and then heals him

A sinful man is healed from severe pain by sleeping on a Ta'ammera Maryam (Miracles of Mary) book

Related Books

Book of Ledata la-Maryam??: Old: Part 01: Gestation: While still in the womb of her mother Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary heals the daughter of Arsaban

Book of Ledata la-Maryam??: OldA: Part 02: Gestation: While still in the womb of her mother Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary heals the daughter of Arsaban (likely a dup of ID 293, not a single attestion in database for 316-B)

Book of Felsata la-Maryam: [Chaine Part 02] Dormition: An Egyptian woman comes to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem and is healed of her fever.

Book of Felsata la-Maryam: [Chaine Part 03] Dormition: A woman whose right eye had been blinded by a demon is healed by The Virgin Mary.

Book of Felsata la-Maryam: [Chaine Part 04] Dormition: The Virgin Mary heals a woman possessed by evil spirits.

Book of Felsata la-Maryam??: Dormition: Part 10: The Jews go to Bethlehem to seize The Virgin Mary but are blinded.

Book of Felsata la-Maryam??: New: Dormition: Miracles performed on several groups of women by the Virgin Mary after her Dormition/Dormition/Assumption of(team review)

Book of Felsata la-Maryam??: New: Dormition: When The Virgin Mary is about to die, the heavens open and many are healed

Book of Felsata la-Maryam??: New: Dormition: A sequel to The Virgin Mary giving her shroud to Saint Thomas, with people being healed and the apostles each taking a piece

Book of Felsata la-Maryam??: New1: Dormition: The Virgin Mary asks her son to take her without death and when she falls ill of a terrible illness he does so

Book of Dersana Urael: Part 07: The Holy Family goes to the island of Lake Tana and meet the prince with an ill son

Book of Dersana Urael: Part 10: The Holy Family goes to Dabra Asbo and meets a possessed person and then they go to Dabra Wegeg and Dabra Hazelo

Book of Dersana Urael: Part 16: The Holy Family returns to Israel with the possessed person and Jesus goes to school

Book of Dersana Urael: Part 19: They go from Athens to Rome and perform healings and prophecies

Book of Nagara Maryam: Month D: Part 03: The Virgin Mary heals the governor of Besseta (sp?) by pulling a snake out of him and then travels to Mount Siki and Sem

Book of Nagara Maryam: Month E: Part 01: The Virgin Mary heals a man possessed by a demon for 70 years while in Egypt

Book of Nagara Maryam: Month I: Part 02: The Virgin Mary heals a man possessed by a demon (rewriting of Gospel demoniac story)


pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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