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Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project

Healing & Justice: Medieval Stories from Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Egypt Summer Institute for Educators

By Wendy Laura Belcher

August 30, 2024

In summer 2024, the Howard University Center for African Studies hosted a Summer Institute for public teachers on using PEMM for teaching.

In Person Participants on Final Day

It was a great success, with between 15 and 25 people attending in person and 20 and 50 people online.

Healing & Justice Summer Institute Program

DAY 1: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Long Tradition of Writing in Ethiopia and Eritrea by Dawit Muluneh
This presentation provides an overview of Geˁez, an ancient Ethiopian language dating back to the third century.

Dawit Muluneh Presenting on Geez Language

Dawit Muluneh Presenting on Geez Language

Healing and Justice: The Virgin Mary in African Literature and Art by Wendy Laura Belcher
This session is an introduction to the extraordinary folktales that Africans have been writing since the second century about the mother of all, the Virgin Mary. These stories about healing, reparative justice, and personal ethics in a violent world represent an important body of medieval written African literature and a rich repository of African thought and innovation.

Presenting on Marian Miracles

Classroom applications by Lesina Martin and Helen Bond

Helen Bond Presenting on Classroom Applications

DAY 2: Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Monks, Monasteries and Manuscripts: Scribal Practices by Jeremy Brown
Ethiopia and Eritrea are home to a living scribal tradition. This presentation will consider a manuscript as a physical artifact of a culture, not just a text to be read. We will explore the details that you can learn about a manuscript from Ethiopia or Eritrea without having to read a single word of the text.
Brenda Randolph, Jeremy R. Brown, and Wendy Belcher with Ethiopian Manuscript

Painting the Human and the Divine: The Virgin Mary in African Literature and Art by Jenica Brown
In this session, participants will learn about the visual and symbolic strategies that the artists of the Ethiopian and Eritrean “Miracles of Mary” utilized to communicate narrative and spiritual meaning to their audiences.

Jenica Brown Presenting on Ethiopian Paintings

Sacred Music and Chant of Ethiopia and Eritrea by Liqetebet Tekle and Deacon Yonatan Dawit
In this session, participants will learn how traditional Ethiopian music known as Yaradwi music is taught in traditional schools, using the Ethiopian musical notation system.

Liqetebet Tekle and Deacon Yonatan Dawit present on Ethiopian musical notation system

Liqetebet Tekle and Singers and Drummers


Participants visit the collection of Ethiopian manuscripts at Catholic University of America.

Participants Visit the Collection of Ethiopian Manuscripts at Catholic University of America 1

DAY 3: Thursday, July 25, 2024

Learning the Ethiopic Script by Tafessework Gebeyehu
Participants will learn the strokes, techniques, and historical context of Ethiopian calligraphy

Tafessework Gebeyehu Presenting on AmharicTaffeswerk Presenting on Amharic

Creating Hareg by Aleme Tadesse
In this session, participants will learn the intricacies and historical significance of harag. By the end, they will be able to draw and understand the deeper meanings behind each pattern.

Aleme Tadesse With the Manuscript He MadeAleme Presenting on Inks

DAY 4: Friday, July 26, 2024

Making a Double Pamphlet Stitch Book with Historical References by Karen Brown
In this workshop participants will continue the hands-on bookmaking by creating a double pamphlet binding, using beautiful materials and utilizing historical techniques to add embellishments and place-holders.

Karen Brown Presenting on Making Manuscripts

Manuscript Making - Painting by Aleme Tadesse
In this workshop, participants explored the rich heritage of Ethiopian art. They learned the concept and application of traditional Ethiopian painting.

Next generation of teachers painting an icon of Mary

Painting Paintings

Other photos

CAS Team Vanessa Oyugi and Ania Ueno

Ania and Vanessa

The PEMM team presenters: Jenica Brown, Dawit Muluneh, Wendy Belcher, Jeremy R. Brown, with Catholic University of American manuscripts

Jenica Dawit Wendy Jeremy

One of the tables of resources for teachers.

Institute Display Table of Resources 

Participants had a lot of positive feedback!

Compliment for the PEMM project given on Zoom

pricenton ethiopian eritrean & egyptian miracles of marry project

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© 2025 የፕሪንስተን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ባለ አደራዎች